
KLS, Gogte Institute of Technology, Belagavi 
Department of MBA, Organising National Conference on
Empowering Change: Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
for a Better Tomorrow

Hybrid Mode (Online + Offline); 27th & 28th September 2024
Venue:  Khanapur Road, Udyambag, Belagavi, Karnataka, India

KLS GIT Conference Edited Book on

Book Title: Sustainable Futures: Strategies for SDG Implementation

e-ISBN: 978-81-973215-4-2, DOI: 10.17492/jpi.klsgit.012501

Editors: Dr. Jyoti Jamnani, Dr. Nupur Veshne and Prof. Sanjeevini Gurjar

Note: A ‘flipbook’ uploading in your system may take some time, compared to a normal pdf file. To view/play it on your laptop or desktop in full screen with reasonably good internet network, may provide a good visual experience.