
6th International Conference on Green, Growth, Globalization, Governance & GST, Challenges and Opportunities

2nd - 4th February 2018 , Jaipur , Rajasthan , India

JK Lakshmipat University

Register Now

Conference Tracks / Themes


  • Green:
  1. Environment
  2. Energy
  3. Ecology
  4. Sustainability Issues
  5. Green IT
  6. Green
  7. SCM
  8. Green Marketing
  • Growth
  1. Economics
  2. Finance
  3. Management
  4. Information Technology 
  5. Entrepreneurship
  6. Logistics
  7. Digital India
  • Globalization
  1. International Politics
  2. Business Relations
  3. Economics
  4. Strategy
  5. Stand up & Start up India
  6. Innovation
  • Governance
  1. Administration
  2. General Management
  3. Policy Research
  4. OB & HR
  5. CSR
  6. Corporate Governance
  • GST
  1. Model 
  2. SGST
  3. CGST
  4. IGST
  5. Taxability 
  6. Exemptions 
  7. B2B, B2C
  8. Transactions
  9. Procedural Aspects
  10. Implementation Issues
  11. Transitional Issues 
  12. International Experiences 
  13. Specific Industry Sectors


Conference Highlights


The foundation of this conference rests on the spirit of exchange and engagement. It will include keynote address and panel discussions by leading national and international experts, best paper award, dissertation award, cultural events and city tours.



The past few decades have been extremely difficult for maintaining a balance between growth, globalization, governance, and environmental sustainability. The world's GDP has increased, leading to economic growth, poverty alleviation, increased food security and improved health standards on one hand however, on the other hand this economic expansion and business growth has come at a heavy price to the planet. The diminishing natural resources, climatic changes and many more unprecedented changes are major hurdles for sustainable growth.


Dealing with these challenges are the top priority of every country, society and business units for sustainable growth. Green management practices are essential for the survival of business firms and societal organizations which should have deeper understanding and action plan in place for the upcoming challenges and opportunities generated through these practices. These strategies should be implemented immediately in a sustainable manner for achieving growth, good governance and positive global impact which may lead to a balance between need and greed of the hour.


The introduction of Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a very significant step in the field of indirect tax reforms in India. By amalgamating a large number of Central and State taxes into a single tax, it would mitigate cascading or double taxation in a major way and pave the way for a common national market. From the consumer point of view, the biggest advantage would be in terms of a reduction in the overall tax burden on goods, which is currently estimated to be around 25-30%. Introduction of GST would also make Indian products competitive in the domestic and international markets. Last but not the least, this tax, because of its transparent and self-policing character, would be easier to administer.


All the pre-existing 4G's (Green, Growth, Globalization and Governance) have  to be explored further with the lens of the 5thG: GST.

Organizing Committee


Conference Patron

Dr. R. L. Raina

Vice Chancellor, JKLU

Conference Chair

Dr. Manoj Bhatia

Associate Dean,Institute of Management, JKLU

Conference Co-chair

Prof. Ben Baliga,

Professor & Graduate Director, Engineering Management, St. Cloud State University, USA

Conference Secretariat

Dr. Ganesh Dash, Convenor

Dr. Kapil Arora, Co-Convenor 

Dr. Rakhi Arora, Co-Convenor


Conference Objectives

This conference aims to provide a platform for discussing the needs, problems and solutions of the 5G and reflect on what policy initiatives are required to achieve a sustainable balance between all the 5Gs. The concepts of 5G are not restricted to any disciplinary boundary, therefore we welcome researchers, intellectuals, business leaders, politicians and social activists to share their thoughts for meeting the challenges of times ahead.

Program Schedule

  1. Full Paper Submission : 15th January, 2018
  2. Review Comments : Within 7 days of full paper submission
  3. Final Paper Submission: 24th January, 2018
  4. Final Registration Date: Within 5 days of the acceptance of full paper along with submission of conference registration fees As well as copyright form


  • Green:
  1. Environment
  2. Energy
  3. Ecology
  4. Sustainability Issues
  5. Green IT
  6. Green
  7. SCM
  8. Green Marketing
  • Growth
  1. Economics
  2. Finance
  3. Management
  4. Information Technology 
  5. Entrepreneurship
  6. Logistics
  7. Digital India
  • Globalization
  1. International Politics
  2. Business Relations
  3. Economics
  4. Strategy
  5. Stand up & Start up India
  6. Innovation
  • Governance
  1. Administration
  2. General Management
  3. Policy Research
  4. OB & HR
  5. CSR
  6. Corporate Governance
  • GST
  1. Model 
  2. SGST
  3. CGST
  4. IGST
  5. Taxability 
  6. Exemptions 
  7. B2B, B2C
  8. Transactions
  9. Procedural Aspects
  10. Implementation Issues
  11. Transitional Issues 
  12. International Experiences 
  13. Specific Industry Sectors

Keynote Speakers


JK Lakshmipat University Near Mahindra SEZ,

P.O. Mahapura,

Ajmer Road, Jaipur-302026 (Rajasthan) India

Past Conferences


JK Lashmipat University was established as a private university under the Rajasthan Private Universities Act by “Lakshmipat Singhania Foundation for Higher Learning” in the year 2011. The explicit purpose of the University is to turn knowledge into wisdom by providing the cutting-edge holistic learning with globally relevant, future-ready and actionable intelligence, the education, research, training and consultancy. The University is committed to design, deliver, disseminate and demonstrate excellence in management and engineering education. Institute of Management & Institute of Engineering and Technology of the University has been established for honing the skills of future professionals to make them competent to face challenges.

Steering Committee

Conference Patron

Dr. R. L. Raina

Vice Chancellor, JKLU

Conference Chair

Dr. Manoj Bhatia

Associate Dean,Institute of Management, JKLU

Conference Co-chair

Prof. Ben Baliga,

Professor & Graduate Director, Engineering Management, St. Cloud State University, USA

Conference Secretariat

Dr. Ganesh Dash, Convenor

Dr. Kapil Arora, Co-Convenor 

Dr. Rakhi Arora, Co-Convenor



Publication Opportunities (UGC listed Journals+ SCOPUS indexed journals)

Selected papers will be published in in a special issue of the journal (ISSN) published by JK Lakshmipat University or an edited volume with ISBN number.

A few selected papers will be considered for publication in any one of the journals listed below:

FOCUS: Journal of International Business (Print ISSN: 2347-4459; e-ISSN: 2395-258X; UGC Journal list no.47671)

MANTHAN: Journal of Commerce and Management (Print ISSN: 2347-4440; e-ISSN: 2395-2601; UGC Journal list no.47665)

PRAGATI: Journal of Indian Economy (Print ISSN: 2347-4432; e-ISSN: 2395-261X; UGC Journal list no.47650)

VISION: Journal of Indian Taxation (Print ISSN: 2347-4475; e-ISSN: 2395-2571; UGC Journal list no.47690)

MUDRA: Journal of Finance and Accounting (Print ISSN: 2347-4467; e-ISSN: 2395-2598; UGC Journal list no.47678)

Further, a few selected papers will be considered for publication in an international journal of repute (SCOPUS-indexed)  depending  upon  the quality of the content.

Review Board

Call for Papers

Institute of Management, JK Lakshmipat University invites original and unpublished research papers from academicians, corporates, research scholars and students from all around the globe. The papers should address the conference tracks.

Conference Registration Details

Registration Fees



Foreign Delegates/Academicians

USD 250

USD 350

Foreign Research Scholars/Students



200 Indian Corporate Delegates

B 5,000

B 5,000 + B 1,200/ day**

Indian Academicians

B 2,500

B 2,500 + B 1,200 day**

Indian Research Scholars

B 2,000

B 2,000 + B 1,200/day*

Indian P.G. Students

B 1,000

B 1,000 + B 350/day*

Registration fees include conference souvenir, book, and breakfast lunch

*Hostel Charges including dinner

**Limited subsidized accommodation (including dinner) on a twin sharing basis will be arranged on first-cum-first serve basis in MDC of the University. For additional members accompanying the paper presenters and conference attendees additional B 1500 would be charged per day.


(* indicates mandatory fields)

Whether Presenting Paper*

Whether Residential Delegate*

Payment Details

"Upload Payment Proof" (in pdf or jpg or png), less than 1MB file size


  1. Authors are requested to submit the Abstract/Full paper at : chair5g@jklu.edu.in or 5g@jklu.edu.in.
  2. The manuscript should be in MS-world format. Manuscript must be double spaced, with 1-inch margins with “Times New Roman, font size 12, black.”
  3. In the first page of the paper (Cover page), please provide full names (first, middle and last names) and full addresses (Institute's address along with designation and correspondence address) along with email address of the author(s). The author's name or affiliations should not appear anywhere else in the body of the manuscript to facilitate in blind peer review process.
  4. The actual paper should commence from the second page containing the title followed by the abstract, keywords, JEL classification, and the main paper.
  5. The abstract, followed by relevant keywords and JEL classification, should not be more than 250 words and should adequately describe the work and highlight its significance. The abstract only include text. Avoid the use of abbreviations and references in the abstract.
  6. The manuscript should not be more than 5000 words includes tables, figures, and appendix given at the end.
  7. Table should be numbered consecutively. The title of the table should be placed above the table. The source should be indicated at the bottom.
  8. Figures/diagrams/graphs should be numbered consecutively. Wherever necessary, the source should be indicated at the bottom. The figures should also be given relevant titles.
  9. Reference should be included at the end of the paper and arranged in alphabetical order.
  10. The reference must follow the style guide of the American Psychological Association (APA).
  11. The primary heading should be in capitalized form (upper case), and bold face. The sub-headings should be in title-case capitalization (first letter of each word in capital) and in bold.
  12. The paper should not have been presented/published previously. It should also not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Please note that in order to verify originality, your article may be checked by the originality detection service.
  13. Authors needing assistance should contact conference secretariat.

Online Abstract Submission

Paper Details

Abstract limit: 100 words; Current word count: 0 word
Please provide 3 keywords separated by Comma ( , )
Upload Bio-sketch

Only upload authors' "Bio-sketch" (mandatory) in 40-50 words or in 2 to 3 lines, in a word doc format file.

Corresponding Author Details

As the submitting author, you are automatically designated as the Corresponding author of this manuscript. Please click on 'Add Author' to enter the details of the other authors who have contributed to this manuscript.
For each author, the S. No. indicates the order in which authors would be placed. For example, if there are three authors, S. No. 1 against an author's name would indicate that s/he is the first author, S. No. 2 would indicate the second author and S. No. 3 would indicate the third author of the manuscript. Please fill S. Nos. accordingly.

Online Paper Submission

(* indicates mandatory fields )

Paper Details

Abstract limit: 100 words; Current word count: 0 word
Please provide 3 keywords separated by Comma ( , )

Kindly upload paper (mandatory) in word doc. file format only

Corresponding Author Details

As the submitting author, you are automatically designated as the Corresponding author of this manuscript. Please click on 'Add Author' to enter the details of the other authors who have contributed to this manuscript.
For each author, the S. No. indicates the order in which authors would be placed. For example, if there are three authors, S. No. 1 against an author's name would indicate that s/he is the first author, S. No. 2 would indicate the second author and S. No. 3 would indicate the third author of the manuscript. Please fill S. Nos. accordingly.

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Propose Special Issue / Proceedings

Fill up the following form and our representatives will contact you for further communication.

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Conference Brochure

Important Dates


  1. Full Paper Submission : 15th January, 2018
  2. Review Comments : Within 7 days of full paper submission
  3. Final Paper Submission: 24th January, 2018
  4. Final Registration Date: Within 5 days of the acceptance of full paper along with submission of conference registration fees As well as copyright form



