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VISION: Journal of Indian Taxation
Vol 11 , Issue 1 , January - June 2024 | Pages: 1-18 | Research Paper

Antecedents of Tax Compliance Behaviour in a Self-assessment System: A Conceptual Model

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1. * Rani Jacob, Assistant Professor, P G Department of Commerce, Government Arts and Science College Santhanpara, Kerala, India (

Though the topic tax compliance has been widely approached by various writers in comparison with different tax laws, the factors affecting tax compliance varies across nations and individuals. The most significant measure of accomplishment in the enactment of a new system of taxation is the degree of taxpayers’ voluntary or unenforced compliance. In a self-Assessment System like GST, tax officials and taxpayers perceive one another as parties following similar objectives. Absence of appropriate safeguards to ensure tax compliance can result in significant revenue losses and potentially jeopardize a nation’s financial system. Evaluation of the taxpayer voluntary compliance is very essential in the Indian scenario because of the historic reform (introduction of GST) that happened in the indirect tax system. This study tries to develop a conceptual model focusing on one main research question of what affects taxpayers’ voluntary tax compliance under a Self - Assessment System the most. Therefore, we theoretically explore the influence of antecedent variables such as taxpayer perception, awareness, benefits, constraints and satisfaction on taxpayer compliance behaviour. This paper adds a theoretical model to the body of current literature that enables the governments, tax authorities, policymakers and all other stakeholders to take measures ensuring voluntary compliance from taxpayers.


Perception; Awareness; Benefits; Constraints; Satisfaction and Tax Compliance Behaviour

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