Journal Press India®

An Examination of Antecedents and Outcomes of Online Retailing Customer Experience Quality: A Conceptual Model

Vol 7 , Issue 1 , January - June 2018 | Pages: 16-25 | Research Paper

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Pooja Goel, Assistant Professor, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi, New Delhi, Delhi , India

Purpose: With the replacement of service quality with the experiences in the competitive battleground of businesses the understanding of experience quality becomes inevitable . Hence, the purpose of the paper is to identify the constituents and outcomes of customer experience quality for online retailing.
Research Design: The focus of the search was exclusively within peer-reviewed papers from a range of international sources using prestigious databases such as ABI/Inform, ScienceDirect, J-Store, Emerald, Sage, Springer, Routledge, EBSCOhost, Google Scholar.
Findings: A conceptual model is constructed by identifying the antecedents and outcomes of the customer experience service quality for online retailing by reviewing the literature. The antecedents of customer experience quality are website quality, product value, and customer service.The outcomes of customer experience quality are satisfaction, trust and loyalty.
Managerial Implications: The study identifies the antecedents of customer experience quality for online retailing sector. Marketer can take clue from the model and frame their strategies to woo the consumers and provide them unique experience while shopping from their website.
Limitations and Future Scope: This paper provides only the theoretical model regarding the antecedents and outcomes of the experience quality in e-retailing. Empirical testing can be undertaken to verify the model.


Antecedents,Customer experience, Experience quality, Online retailing, Outcomes.

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