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The Influence of Consumers Past use Experience on Consumer Attitude: A Comparative Study between Metro and Nonmetro City

Vol 4 , Issue 2 , July - December 2015 | Pages: 40-51 | Research Paper

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Naval Bajpai, ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management , Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India
2. Utkal Khandelwal, IBM , GLA University, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India
3. Amit Khandelwal, Govt. Polytechnic College, Morena, Madhya Pradesh, India

Present study is an attempt to measure the impact of consumer’s past use experience on attitude formation along with a comparative study between metro and non metro cities consumers in India. Since, Metro and non-metro customers are different in their consumer behaviour in many ways. Linear regression and z-test was used to measure the impact of these attributes on consumer attitude and difference in metro and non-metro customers respectively.
Study identified eight different antecedents of consumer past use experience through literature and then developed a simple model of consumer past use experience for the study. The result revealed that consumer past use experience in formation of positive consumer attitude found high in metro city as compare to non-metro city. Regression result between consumer attitude and consumer past use experience clearly explained that the higher level of consumer reference provide higher level of positive consumer attitude among customers of both the metro and non-metro city. Marketers have to understand the various components of consumer past use experience in order to enjoy the substantial competitive and economic advantages.


Consumer learning, Price sensitivity, Buying behaviour, Trust, Word-of-mouth communication.

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  1. Emotions play a prominent role in my purchasing.
  2. My purchasing is depending upon some situational cues based on my past experience.
  3. I am sharing my marketing experiences with others.
  4. More positive emotion an individual’s attitude towards the brand of the product, the greater their intention to repurchase the brand.
  5. I learn purchasing behavior, attitude and skills through the observation of other individuals
  6. I am a price sensitive person
  7. My attitude, intentions and behaviour are influenced by family and friends
  8. My attitude to purchase depends upon the trustworthiness of the brand.


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