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ICT Enabled Smart Cities: A Wave of Amelioration

Vol 8 , Issue 1 , January - June 2021 | Pages: 134-150 | Perspective  

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1. * Richa Tiwari, Assistant professor, Department of Management , Nitee Meenakshi School of management , Bangalore, Karnataka, India (

‘Digital cities’ or ‘smart cities’ are the need of the day for they bring about an efficient administration and improved standard of living in the modern world. This paper focuses on the technological perspectives of a smart city; the perspectives which are an integral and vital component to give face to a smart city. Smart cities are developing gradually, and the stakeholders realize their needs, importance, and benefits on the quality of life. The planning and policymaking which incorporates the use of ICT will prove to be a game changer in the long run. The usage of technology and knowledge of it is very critical in the burgeoning of a smart city. One of these technologies is TAM (technology acceptance model) as it enhances and supports the smart city mission. This paper will follow a meta synthesis methodology to systematically analyze the concepts of various research papers based on their value contribution to the research topic.


Smart city; Digital city; TAM (Technology Acceptance Model); Information and communications technology (ICT).

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