Published Online: October 03, 2024
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This present Study was undertaken to assess the impact of the MGNREGA on change in the income in Shillai Block of districtSirmaur of Himachal Pradesh based on primary data taken from the time period of the year 2020-21. The income earned from the MGNREGA shows highest by marginal holdings farmers (4.77per cent) followed by small and medium size of holdings farmers (3.92 and 1.73 per cent).This study also concluded that the household assets like house, livestock agricultural implements etc. created after the implementation of MGNREGA.Further, the study shows that the mandays utilized by males (2.58 per cent) in MGNREGA activities has been found just half of females (4.34 percent) mandays and the percentage value of mandays utilized in MGNREGA activities is decreasing tendency with the increasing size of holdings. Finally, it denotes that MGNREGA activities are most beneficial for the vulnerable society because most of the less holdings people are working in this scheme.
Employment, Income, Holdings, Assets, Household
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