Published Online: June 15, 2024
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Microfinance refers to a movement where the poor income households have permanent access to range of high quality of financial services to finance their income generating activities, stabilize consumption, build assets and protect against risk. Non-Governmental Organisations play an important role in empowering vulnerable women by organizing them into Self-Help Groups and developing different capabilities in the women. NGOs promote SHGs and inculcate saving and thrift habits among their beneficiaries. They also allow them to use these tools to acquire assets and access bank credits once their operations have been stabilized also NGOs act as facilitators and financial intermediaries between banks and SHGs and they are providing capacity building programmes to their beneficiaries. In this study, an attempt is to analyse the impact of microfinance on capacity building of beneficiaries who are joined in NGOs.
Microfinance; NGOs; Capacity Building; Self-Help Groups