Published Online: June 15, 2023
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Self-Help Group (SHG) is a group of women or men who work for the capacity to become effective agents of change. In India, NABARD had initiated the formation of SHGs in 1986-87, but, the real effort was taken in 1991-92 by the linkage of SHGs with the banks. On the recommendation of Radhakrishnan Committee report, NRLM was formed in 2011. The objective of the paper is to study the physical aspects i.e. growth, structure and financing of SHGs in Himachal Pradesh. The secondary data has been collected from official website of NRLM and analysed. It was observed that SHGs have started working in all the blocks of all districts of Himachal Pradesh except district Shimla and Mandi. It was concluded that highest numbers of SHGs under NRLM in Himachal Pradesh were in districts Mandi followed by Kangra and Shimla.
Self-Help Groups (SHGs); Microfinance; National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM); Bank linkage; Women empowerment