Published Online: October 03, 2024
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After Covid-19, the trend of green banking has been increased so much. In Haryana, financial institutions are starting to offer their services via mobile devices, through internet, digitally with the help to them they concern for their environment. However, there aren’t many research that look into the elements that can aid bankers to adopt green banking services. In the research this gap is identified and also different drivers have been mentioned which can affect to green banking practices. Data are gathered from 250 bank employees regarding green banking (include e-banking, digital banking, mobile banking) using Diffusion of Innovation and TAM model as the foundational idea. Data has been analysed using regression analysis and the composite reliability has been found. It has been discovered that adoption is green banking practices positively affected to perceived usefulness (PU), relative advantage (RA) and compatibility. Contrary to that green banking is negatively impacted by perceived risk (PR) and complexity.
Green banking; Diffusion of innovation theory (DIT); Digital banking; Mobile banking; Adoption of green banking practices