Published Online: June 15, 2024
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The purpose of the study is to examine the influence of emotional intelligence (EI) on investment decision-making (IDM), and also to analyse the statistical tools and measurement models used by different researchers. To attend to the main purpose of this study we utilise the systematic literature review methodology and the guidelines provided by PRISMA Framework. We identified studies using different electronic databases such as Web of Science, Emerald, and EBSCOhost, and also by citation searching (snowball method). The finding of this study found that emotional intelligence has a significant positive impact on investment decision-making. The study also reveals that financial literacy moderates the relationship between emotional intelligence and investment decision-making, while optimism bias (OB) and risk perception (RP) mediate this relationship. However, the study is limited by its reliance on specifically three major databases and the exclusion of non-English literature.
Emotional Intelligence; Investment Decision Making; Measurement Model; Systematic Review; PRISMA Framework