Published Online: December 10, 2023
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Like other forms of literacy, financial literacy is also important for a human being. The sooner we get it, the greater the benefit of compound interest. People around the world are increasingly embracing fintech, especially cryptocurrency in the Industry 4.0 era, and financial literacy is like a lamp in our hands to show the path. The present study shows a relationship between financial literacy and investment awareness, with risk tolerance as the mediator between the two among 383 working adults. PLS-SEM is used to analyse the data. Furthermore, as technology has grown, people’s investment confidence and risk tolerance have become increasingly important. Data shows that people’s risk tolerance increases with their financial literacy, as does their investment awareness. This study shows a partial competitive mediation between variables. The findings suggest that increasing people’s financial literacy can increase investment awareness and help them comprehend the risks involved with investment decisions, thereby enhancing financial inclusion.
Financial Literacy; Investment Awareness; Risk Tolerance; Fintech; PLS SEM