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Analysing Indian Consumers’ Online Shopping and Purchasing Behaviour

Vol 2, Issue 2, July - December 2015 | Pages: 14-49 | Research Paper  

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1. * Sandeep Narula, Associate Professor, The IIHMR University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India (

The present study explores the online shopping and purchasing behaviour by specifically examining the demographic, computer and internet usage experiences of the respondents. Purpose sampling was used and overall 221 respondents participated in the study. Questions were asked specifically to the respondents to categorize them into buyers and online non-buyers. Another specific question stratified the buyers into four different categories– Online non shopper-Abandon, Online non shopper-Visitor, Online non shopper-Browser and Online buyer. The online buyers were stratified into ‘experience goods’ and ‘search goods buyers’. Chi Square, t-test, ANOVA were applied to recognise their demographic and technological differences and attitudinal differences in consumer and marketing behaviour. Buying intention and purchased were analysed using logistic regression.


Online buyers, Online non buyers, Experienced goods buyers, Search goods buyers, Online buying intention, Online purchasing intention

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