Journal Press India®

MANTHAN: Journal of Commerce and Management
Vol 11 , Issue 2 , July - December 2024 | Pages: 62-81 | Research Paper

Examining the Glass Ceiling Barriers to Women’s Career Development

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Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Lallawmawmi F, Ph.D. Research Scholar, Commerce, Madras Christian College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India (
2. Tabitha Durai, Assistant Professor, Commerce, Madras Christian College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India (

Women are increasingly gaining education and literacy, and hence their participation in the workforce is on the rise. Despite these positive trends, women still encounter various career challenges. This study examines the connection between glass ceilings and women’s career development. It explored personal, organisational and societal barriers as the factors of the ‘glass ceiling’ that may hinder women’s growth in their workplace. Data was collected through a Google forms survey from 168 female employees in Aizawl City, Mizoram, a north eastern Indian state. The data was analysed using SPSS22 to assess how independent variables impact dependent variables. The findings indicate that personal barriers hinder women’s career development, while organisational and societal barriers show no significant relationship with women’s career development. This research can assist organisations in reassessing their structures, policies, and work environments to break down the ‘glass ceiling’ obstacles women face.


Glass ceiling, Career development, Personal barrier, Organisational barrier, Societal barrier

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