Journal Press India®

MANTHAN: Journal of Commerce and Management
Vol 11 , Issue 1 , January - June 2024 | Pages: 166-184 | Review paper

Working Women’s Buying Behavior on Social Media Platforms: A Systematic Literature Review

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Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Priya Sharma, Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, K. R. Mangalam University, Gurugram, Haryana, India (
2. Manmohan Chaudhry, Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, K.R. Mangalam University, Gurugram, Haryana, India (

Women are increasingly participating in workforce. Their buying behaviour is different from that of non-working women. Facebook and Instagram are the most popular platforms among women. Women’s decision-making freedom as increased across the country and their social and economic position also has improved. So, working women’s buying behaviour is gaining attention in present era. In this paper, systematic literature review (SLR) was done for the articles selected related to working women’s buying behaviour from different database published from 2010 through 2023. Finally, 22 articles were selected for review process and were studied for finding out variables regarding working women’s buying behaviour on social media (SM) platforms. The variables that influence working womens buying behaviour on SM platforms include demographic variables (age, income, and occupation), psychological variables (attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions), social variables (social reference groups, including family, friends, and colleagues), and marketing variables (advertising, promotional offers, quality, price and brand loyalty etc.).


Social Media Marketing; Working Women; Buying Behaviour

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