Received: July 18, 2023 | Revised: September 08, 2023 | Accepted: September 09, 2023 | Published Online: June 20, 2024
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This review paper’s primary objective is to explore the relationship between employee’s psychological empowerment and job satisfaction documented in the literature. Using the keywords - psychological empowerment and job satisfaction, the study reviewed articles published during the period 1959 to 2023. Review findings show a substantial positive relationship between job satisfaction and psychological empowerment. Employees who perceive meaningfulness and worth in their work experience greater job satisfaction because this perception boosts motivation and engagement. Employees who feel competent and confident in their abilities find greater fulfillment in their work, which in turn improves job satisfaction. Employees who have control over their tasks and the ability to exercise independence report higher levels of job satisfaction. Autonomy and the capacity to make decisions regarding their work are essential for job satisfaction. Employees who feel that their efforts support organizational objectives and that they have an influence on the company are also happier in their positions. This feeling of power strengthens relationships with the organization and raises employee job satisfaction. This knowledge can be applied to various sectors, leading to potential improvements in employee well-being and organizational outcomes will finally help the country achieve the position of being classified as a high-income nation.
Satisfaction; Psychological Empowerment; Employee Well-being; Cognition; Organizational Outcomes