Received: July 20, 2023 | Revised: October 05, 2023 | Accepted: October 05, 2023 | Published Online: June 15, 2024
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The research focuses on assessing the dimensions of employees’ psychology on occupational stress and work performance of the employees working in IT sector. The data was collected from 261employees of various IT companies operating in Tiruvanthapuram, a southern Indian city. The collected through systematic random Psychology is the appropriate sampling, data were subjected to factor analysis to determine the dimensions of occupational stress and work performance based on the psychology of IT employees. The occupational stress factors deals with the dimensions of role ambiguity, technical deficiency and unsupportive management, insecurity due to layoffs and hectic work burden. Focus on fair Compensation, employees’ welfare policies, feedback mechanisms, perquisites, stress relaxation techniques and workplace facilities without discrimination will enhance performance. The role of occupational stress affects the efficacy of employees in the IT sector and hence management should focus on the factors of work performance in order to help the employees to overcome the occupational stress.
Biased Evaluation; Employee Support; Occupational Stress; Wellbeing; Work Performance