Journal Press India®

MANTHAN: Journal of Commerce and Management
Vol 10 , Issue 2 , July - December 2023 | Pages: 107-124 | Research Paper

Analyzing the Impact of Psychological Capital on Organisational Citizenship Behaviour

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1. * Sarath M, Junior research fellow, Department of Commerce, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India (

Organisational citizenship behaviour and psychological capital are crucial for the employees to overcome the different difficulties brought on by the nature of the workplace. “Organisational citizenship behaviour” refers to the constructive and beneficial employee behaviours that go beyond the scope of their official job descriptions. Organizational citizenship behaviour includes organisational loyalty, organisational obedience, and organisational participation. The study analysed the primary data collected from 156 IT employees working in a south Indian city of Kerla state. The result shows that organisational citizenship behaviour is influenced by psychological capital. The analysis of psychological capital shows that among all these four constructs of psychological capital, the construct “hope” has the highest contribution towards psychological capital, followed by “self-efficacy” Among IT employees. Also, employee loyalty has the greatest contribution to organisational citizenship behaviour, followed by organisational participation. The outcomes of the study demonstrate that organisational citizenship behaviour and psychological capital are significantly positively associated.


Organisational Citizenship Behaviour; IT Sector; Organisational Loyalty; Organisational Obedience; Psychological Capital

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