Received: August 26, 2023 | Revised: December 14, 2023 | Accepted: December 14, 2023 | Published Online: December 15, 2023
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In developing nations such as India, demand for fashion products is rising at a rapid pace. However, only a few studies have investigated what motivates people to purchase fashion products. So, this study aims to examine the influence of fashion consciousness (FC), vanity (TV), need for uniqueness (NoU), and self-identity (SI) on consumers’ attitude (ATT) towards fashion products. Additionally, it investigates how product involvement (PIV) acts as a mediator between ATT and PI. It also explores Income as a moderator on the relationship between PI and its influencing factors. Using an integrated model based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), Social Comparison Theory (SCT) and Uniqueness Theory, PLS-SEM was performed to analyse data collected from 613 respondents. Results indicate that NoU and FC are the primary factors influencing ATT towards fashion products. Additionally, ATT is the most influential factor affecting PI. The relationship between ATT and PI is moderately partially mediated by PIV.
Purchase Intention; Spirituality; Traits of Vanity; TPB; Self-identity; Fashion Consciousness