Journal Press India®

MANTHAN: Journal of Commerce and Management
Vol 10 , Issue 2 , July - December 2023 | Pages: 28-47 | Research Paper

Intention to Purchase Organic Food among Indian Consumers: Role of Self-direction and Consumer Involvement

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1. * Harmandeep Kaur, Research Scholar, University Business School, Panjab University, Chandigarh, Punjab, India (

There is phenomenal change in the behaviour of organic food consumers, especially in emerging markets, and hence it needs a thorough examination of factors affecting the intention to purchase. However, very little empirical work on these factors is available. So, to fill this gap, the current study develops a conceptual model including the purchase intention as a dependent variable and consumer involvement, attitude and self-direction as independent variables. The data was collected from 400 respondents who approached retail malls in north India through a survey method. Using structural equation modeling to analyse data, it was discovered that consumer involvement, self-direction and attitudes affect consumers’ intentions to purchase. It was discovered that consumer involvement and self-direction significantly influenced attitudes towards organic food. The results of the study will help marketers and producers improve their strategies toward consumers. By demonstrating theoretical connections between self-direction, consumer involvement, attitude and intention to purchase, the study adds to the body of knowledge conceptually.


Organic Food; Structural Equation Modelling; Self-direction and Consumer Involvement

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