Journal Press India®

Analytical Examination of Mechanical Characteristics of an Al-based Composite Reinforced with Waste Materials

Vol 7 , Issue 1 , January - June 2024 | Pages: 65-73 | Research Paper

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Ashish Kumar Shrivastav, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, United University, Rawatpur, PrayagRaj, Uttar Pradesh, India (
2. Rajendra Prasad Verma, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, United University, Rawatpur, PrayagRaj, Uttar Pradesh, India

In today's technologically evolved world, when governments and industries compete aggressively with one another, decreasing output or imposing constraints on industry will not alleviate the pollution problem. Waste created by industry may be recycled as an effective alternative strategy in this area. Utilising these wastes could aid in the resolution of some environmental problems. Recycling these wastes is the simplest way to get rid of them; however, adequate handling of these wastes is currently required. More advanced hybrid materials are required for several new technological developments. A functionally graded material (FGM) prototype has been developed by researchers, who have also recommended other material combinations that might be utilised in the prototype and tested its mechanical properties against industry requirements. It is possible to increase the hardness and tensile strength of materials by employing waste materials such as SiC and Alumina (Al2O3), which are both high in calcium carbonate. This paper includes the testing of the effect of waste materials like carbonized alumina and SIC on the physical quantities of Al-based metal composites. Along with this, the factors affecting the hardness are also analyzed like after effects of heat treatment.


Silicon carbide (SiC), functionally graded material, carbonized alumina, hardness, ball-milling, microstructure.

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