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Enhancing Robot Dynamics Control for Accuracy and Effectiveness using Genetic Algorithms

Vol 7 , Issue 1 , January - June 2024 | Pages: 8-13 | Research Paper

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. Rasiyawan Yadav, Manager, National Thermal Power Corporation Limited, New Delhi, Delhi, India
2. * Preet Lata, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT, Kurukeshtra, Haryana, India (

In this paper evaluated the effectiveness of a genetic algorithm (GA) in reducing error in robot dynamics control. Experiments demonstrate that GAs are useful in determining the optimal robot designs, yielding results with lower error rates and higher precision. Notably, the method just requires position feedback and the final equations of the dynamic model's links, eliminating the need for speed and acceleration data, which typically lead to significant identification errors. Using the advances in computer technology, this deficit might eventually disappear, albeit it could take longer. Future studies should include cost considerations in the objective function to solve the deterministic and random faults in the model.


GA, Optimization, intelligent control, Metaheuristic, modelling, nonlinear

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