Journal Press India®

International Journal of Management Issues and Research
Vol 13 , Issue 1 , January - June 2024 | Pages: 57-72 | Research Paper

A Comparative Study of Indian States: With Special Reference to Achievement of Sustainable Development Goal of Zero Hunger

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. Apoorva Verma, Assistant Professor, Commerce, Sharda University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India (
2. * Preeti Sharma, Associate Professor, Department of Business and Commerce, Sharda school of business studies, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India (
3. Saurabh Mani, Associate Professor, Applied Business Economics, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India (

This study advocates for the creation of a comprehensive hunger measurement index and proposes a framework for its development. The India State Hunger Index (ISHI) is introduced utilizing secondary data from NFHS-5 to compare hunger levels across Indian states and union territories. The construction of this index involves the application of weights derived from principal component analysis to various components. The findings indicate that India’s State Hunger Index is 23.99, highlighting ongoing challenges in eliminating hunger. ISHI scores among Indian states vary significantly, from 12.79 in Puducherry to 28.05 in Gujarat, showing notable regional disparities. Prominently, none of the states are classified as having low, alarming, or extremely alarming hunger levels; most are categorized as moderate. The study suggests that Indian states should focus on inclusive economic growth and specific measures to improve food security, and enhance child nutrition. These efforts are crucial for addressing hunger issues and promoting development.


Hunger; Sustainable Development; Food Security; India State Hunger Index (ISHI)

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