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Wastewater Quality- It’s Impact on the Environment and Human Physiology: A Review

Vol 9 , Issue 4 , October - December 2021 | Pages: 43-58 | Research Paper

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Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Aleruchi Owhonka, Department of Microbiology, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, Nigeria (
2. Egbono Frank Fubara, Department of Microbiology, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
3. Otto Buduka Justice, Department of Microbiology, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Wastewater is a major contributor to a variety of water pollution problems. They are generated continuously without adequate treatment. Poor wastewater treatment facilities result in inadequate treatment of this wastewater that is discharged into receiving water sources, resulting in pollution. The poor quality of discharged wastewater is responsible for the degradation of the receiving water body. Microorganisms associated with wastewater play many beneficial roles in the systems, a great number of them are considered to be critical factors in contributing to numerous waterborne diseases. Also, wastewater has been shown to contain a variety of anthropogenic compounds, many of which have endocrine-disrupting properties. Wastewater should be treated efficiently before discharge to avert pathophysiological risk to the user of these water resources and the aquatic ecosystem. The release of raw and improperly treated wastewater onto watercourses has both short-and long-term effects on the environment and physiology of the people. The only way to reduce the impact of wastewater on the environment, human physiology, and public health is proper enforcement of water and environmental laws to protect both rural and urban communities and also the adequate treatment of wastewater before discharge. To achieve unpolluted wastewater discharge into receiving water bodies, careful planning, adequate treatment, regular monitoring, and appropriate legislation are necessary.


Human Physiology; Wastewater quality; anthropogenic compounds

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