Journal Press India®

An innovative approach to modeling the benefits of supply chain collaboration by using interpretive structural modeling

Vol 4 , Issue 4 , October - December 2016 | Pages: 134-147 | Research Paper

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Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. Harjit Singh, Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, Dr. BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab, India (
2. R. K. Garg, Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, Dr. BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab, India
3. Anish Sachdeva, Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, Dr. BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab, India

Supply chain collaboration means the firms within the supply chain collaborate with each other to work together and gain mutual objective by sharing of ideas, information, knowledge, risks and rewards among all supply chain partners. Facing uncertainty in supply and demand, firms have strived to achieve greater collaboration to leverage the resources and knowledge among supply chain partners. Supply chain collaborative firms gain more benefits by satisfying customer’s requirements as compared with firms those work individually and having no collaborative relation within partners of supply chain. Therefore there must be a proper understanding of the collaboration and its application within supply chain. One of the best methods to understand and create interest in collaboration is the understanding of the benefits which are come out from supply chain collaboration. Therefore in this study we indentify various benefits of supply chain collaboration from literature and design a relation between these benefits with each others, so those decision makers understand these benefits and proceed towards collaborative supply chain. In this study ISM methodology is used for modeling the benefits and MICMAC analysis is used for classifying these benefits according to driving and dependence power. The study is helpful for supply chain decision makers to implement collaboration in supply chain.


Benefit; Supply Chain Collaboration; MICMAC; Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM).

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