Journal Press India®

International Journal of Management Issues and Research

Double-blind Peer-reviewed (Refereed) Journal

Published By: School of Business Studies, Sharda University
Print ISSN: 2320-1177;e-ISSN: Applied for
Editor/s: Dr. Sally Lukose
Frequency: Bi-annual
Indexation: Cross-Ref, Research Gate

About the Journal

Title International Journal of Management Issues and Research
Frequency Bi-annual
E-ISSN Applied for
P-ISSN 2320-1177
Starting Year 2012
Subject Management
Language English
Publication Format Online & Print
Editor-in-chief Dr. Sally Lukose
Publisher Name School of Business Studies, Sharda University
Publisher Contact No. +91 9871724313
Publisher E-mail Ids
Publisher Website 
Journal Website 
Publisher Address Block 7, Sharda School of Business Studies, Sharda University, Plot no. 32, 34, Knowledge Park III, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201310, India


International Journal of Management Issues and Research (IJMIR) is a refereed journal published by the Sharda School of Business Studies(SSBS), Sharda University. It is an academic and a peer reviewed International Journal.

The Journal aims to:

  • Disseminate original, theoretical, or applied research in the field of management and its allied areas.
  • Publish original, industry-relevant research to reduce the academia-industry gap.
  • Seek original, unpublished research based on theory, empirical analysis as well as experimental works for publication.
  • Publish strong research in the field of Commerce & Finance, Sales and Marketing, HR and OB, Business Communication, Operations and SCM , IT & Business Analytics as part of Management as a field of Study and also in Healthcare management, as well as other interdisciplinary fields of management.


The scope of International Journal of Management Issues and Research (IJMIR) includes all domains that are listed above and wishes to include emerging themes and also action oriented research. The journal also welcomes focused discussions, cases, monographs and interview papers, and book reviews.

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