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GBS Impact, the multi disciplinary journal is blind peer reviewed refereed bi-yearly journal, which is being published since 2013. The GBS Impact emphasizes on the publication of original investigations that contribute to new knowledge and understanding in fields of Management and other allied disciplines. This journal primarily considers descriptive research & cases. It provides a platform to research scholars, academicians and corporate executives to disseminate their knowledge. We are proud and privileged to place before you the issue JAN 2022.

The paper ‘A study on Capital Structure and Dividend Policy of Automobile Industry and Information Technology Industry’ is any analysis of the capital structure and dividend policy of Automobile Industry and Information Technology Industry.

‘Gilli Dandu’ is a simple and amateur game of the society; but the author brought the valuable ideas to the future generation like “equal opportunities to all the people”. It is also an attempt to compare modern games like Baseball, Cricket and Soft ball.

The research article ‘An Analytical Portrait of Digital Marketing in India: Sustainability of Business and Commerce during the Pandemic of COVID-19’ is a thorough analysis of significant roles played by digital marketing during the pandemic. IT helps to maintain sustain ability in the field of business and commerce and helps to promote the sell volume of various products, goods and services.

The GST is going to impact the suppliers and service providers as well as the consumers of the Restaurant Industry. Author endeavor the necessity to study ‘the impact of GST on Hotel and Restaurant industry’ as well as on the consumers of this industry. This paper highlights the changes reflected in the hotel and restaurant industry due to transformation of old VAT and other tax systems in to the new GST system.

Research has greatly aided the understanding of the relationship between alcohol intake and certain disorders, demonstrating that the relationship between alcohol consumption and health outcomes is complex and diverse. Alcohol consumption patterns appear to be influenced by cultural differences is highlighted in the article ‘A study on perception of customers with reference to alcoholic beverages’.

Further we have an exploratory paper titled ‘promising Phone Market In Rural Karnataka - An Exploratory Study’. The aim of this paper is to study phone market in rural Indian. The study includes ratio analysis, historical trend analysis, using software tools, judgmental forecasting, and cause and effect analysis ‘Dharwad ALPHONSO: Decision Dilemma analysis’ is a case study dilemma of Farmer whether to lease the farm to the merchant immediately or retain the farm until the harvest.

We believe that these collections of case studies & research articles will enrich your experiences and benefit the industry, academicians and policy-makers. I look forward to your valuable feedback to enable us to make this publication more relevant and useful in the present context.


Dr. Tejas B. Vyas
Director, GBS Hubli and Editor

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