Journal Press India®


GBS Impact, the multi disciplinary journal is blind peer reviewed refereed bi-yearly journal, which is being published since 2013. The GBS Impact emphasizes on the publication of original investigations that contribute to new knowledge and understanding in fields of Management and other allied multiple disciplines. This journal primarily considers descriptive research & cases that enhance understanding and provides a platform to research scholars, academicians and corporate executives to disseminate their innovative, field based research, and practical experiences through the publication for the benefit of the society at large and the world of business.

The objectives of author on article ‘An analytical study of the roles of advertising in the business organisations’ is to assess role of advertisement, marketing communications in corporate businesses, while advertisement is about informing and attracting customers to buy products and services.

The research paper on ‘International tax conflicts – an overview’ the main aim of looking out key issues of emerging point of taxation and practical examples of international tax conflicts.

The research article ‘Virtual Training and Employee Satisfaction in IT Sector during Covid-19 Pandemic Period : A Descriptive Study’ will give a quick insight on impact of Covid–19 on training and employee satisfaction. This research paper emphasis on the importance of virtual training in the modern era.

The research article ‘The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Different Sectors of the Indian Economy: A Descriptive study’, emphasis on the point that the impact of the Covid–19 on various sectors like manufacturing, Banking, health care, unorganized sector, tourism and Aviation sectors. This research paper emphasis the impact from both supply and demand side.

The research article ‘A gander at the features of agro-based mobile apps’ investigated the impact of Information, Communication and Technology on agriculture and present status of agro-based mobile apps in India.

‘The Integration of Information Technology in Higher Education: A study of faculty’s attitude towards IT adoption in the teaching process’ this research paper emphasis that Information Technology has changed the education sector. Information Technology helps both the Faculty and Students to gain knowledge along with impact of IT in classroom teaching.

In addition, we have an extensive case study on ‘Placement challenges during pandemic’, where the authors emphasis on the challenges faced by student and placement manager during the tough season for placements of 2020.

Trust that the collection of articles in this issue makes it interesting to read.

Dr. Bhargav Revankar
Associate Professor

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