Journal Press India®


The issue covers financial management practices restructures in HR and trainings and boon and bane of Eco friendly marketing.

The article ‘Evaluation of Altman Z Score on Nifty 50 Selected Stocks’, examined relationship of essential dimensions of the companies’ financial statements of Nifty. Z-scores are used to forecast corporate defaults and an easy-to-calculate control measure for the financial distress status of companies in academic studies. The Z-score uses multiple corporate income and balance sheet values to measure the financial health of a company.

The article on ‘Financial Inclusion In India: An Overview’, explores the overview of financial inclusion in India, initiatives taken in overcoming barriers towards financial inclusion, and the role of financial inclusion in economic development. Paper efforts to analyze the current status of financial inclusion, to critically analyze the Government, RBI and banks initiative on Financial inclusion and literacy in India.

Under the caption ‘New Paradigms of training and their Impact’, we have article focuses on basics of training in relation with the new trends. This article aims to throw light on crucial insights on training for the benefit of HR professionals and strives to delineate the changing trends of training to meet unprecedented need for new skills and knowledge and training can be measured in terms of outcome using Kirk Patrick Model.

In addition we have an extensive article of on ‘Critical review of current status, growth trends and future prospects of Oman Economy, with special reference to Service sector’, which elucidate whether to diversify the economy in sunrise sector of service industry or whether to focus on the present petroleum sector to come out from economic crises.

Further we have a paper ‘Perception on HR Education in B-schools: Towards restructuring the rigor, relevance, methodology and pedagogical approach’ It’s a study aims to understand the changes in HR management education, thus support in the restructuring HR Management vertical and its methodology, for the greater good of the discipline and its stakeholder in the research article

Another conceptual paper ‘A study of identifying the trends and strategies involving export of sugar’ concludes that India has all the potential to become the largest exporter of sugar to the world but due to lack of proper infrastructure it has been seeing a wavering output of sugar and this has resulted in lowered export of sugar.

A case on ‘Eco-friendly strategies with respect to Consumer Satisfaction: A study’ provides a coverage regarding response to the pollution havoc, the present business are currently focusing a lot of on eco-friendly ways and thus showing concern of environment. The study results; the shoppers feel pleased with the product they purchase from eco-friendly firms.

Trust that the collection of articles in this issue makes it remarkable.

Dr. M. N. Manik
Professor and Dean Academic

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