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Workplace Bullying a Topic to be Pondered: A Conceptual Study

Vol 9 , Issue 2 , July - December 2023 | Pages: 197-219 | Research Paper

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. Kaveri C. S., Assistant Professor, Management Studies, AIMS-IBS, Bangalore, Karnataka, India (
2. Saiganesh S., Dy.Director, Management Studies, Dayananda Sagar Business School, Bangalore, Karnataka, India (

Bullies in the workplace, those who insult, degrade, and threaten their co-workers, cost businesses billions of dollars every year. Although it is thought that 55 million people experience emotional abuse at work annually, U.S. businesses are still unable to identify and address this issue. Organizations have a duty to safeguard their employees from the psychological harassment of a workplace bully; hence workplace bullying needs to be thoroughly researched. Corporate leaders that actively combat this social issue will more successfully achieve their organisational goals because workplace bullying has a detrimental influence on a company's profitability. This study is an attempt to understand the concept of workplace bullying and its impact on organisation productivity as well as employee performance. The concept has been discussed widely along with few significant suggestions which the organisations can implement to get better productivity and greater employee performance.


Workplace bullying, Harassing, Work environment, Employee productivity

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