Journal Press India®

GBS Impact: Journal of Multi Disciplinary Research
Vol 10 , Issue 2 , July - December 2024 | Pages: 315-325 | Research Paper

Investigating the Link Between Cipla Stock Performance and Nifty-Fifty Index

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Sahifa Mazgaonkar, Assistant Professor, Department of Accountancy, M. L. Dahanukar College of Commerce, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India (

Investigating the Cipla Stock Performance along with Nifty-Fifty Index. This study explores how Cipla's share price relates to the Nifty-Fifty. Index over a one-year period from September 18, 2023, to September 16, 2024. Using daily Closing prices for both Cipla and the Nifty-Fifty index, the research seeks to establish the strength and importance of the correlation. The results indicate a highly positive correlation, suggesting that Cipla's stock prices are moving in tandem with overall market trends captured by the Nifty-Fifty index. This correlation suggests the significance of overall market movements when examining individual stock performance. Such a study is informative to investors and market analysts for enhancing investment strategies and making portfolio management decisions. Understanding the interconnectivity of Cipla's stock with the rest of the market will help investors predict better movements in the market and make the necessary portfolio adjustments. This research adds to the understanding of stock market behavior in India, providing actionable insights for more informed and effective financial strategies.


Nifty Fifty, Cipla, Correlation

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