Published Online: January 22, 2025
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This study about the “Satisfactions of Labour Welfare Schemes Offered by Public Sector In Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation” so far discussed important findings and recommendations. The objective of the study Labour satisfaction level towards the provision of welfare facilities in the Thanjavur division. This study has a random sampling technique to collect data from TNSTC employees in Thanjavur. It identified a 500-sample size and found a research questionnaire. The analysis found that there is significant difference towards satisfaction with respect to the demographic statistics of the TNSTC employees. The study also highlighted that TNSTC employees perceived an average level of employee’s satisfaction. Hence, it is concluded that the job satisfaction and dissatisfaction of transport employee should be evaluated infrequently for evolving dynamic and pragmatic policies for corporation growth and development.
TNSTC, Labour Welfare Measures, Satisfaction of employees