Journal Press India®

GBS Impact: Journal of Multi Disciplinary Research
Vol 10 , Issue 2 , July - December 2024 | Pages: 89-99 | Research Paper

Exploring the Impact of Misogynistic and Toxic Male Culture on Women’s Treatment in the Workplace.

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Shweta Sajjanar, Assistant Professor, Management, Chetan Business School, Hubli, Karnataka, India (
2. Priyanka Diwate, Student, Management, Chetan Business School, Hubli, Karnataka, India (

The issue of sexual harassment of women in the workplace is a persistent problem in India, stemming from a macho culture, feelings of insecurity, power dynamics, and a complete male-dominated environment. This research paper examines the different cultural obstacles that women encounter in their everyday lives. In contrast to previous research papers and studies, this paper emphasizes that cultural disparities in gender exacerbate the issue. The presence of a misogynistic and toxic male culture, characterized by bullying, sexual harassment, and gaslighting, emanating from political leaders, influences the perception and treatment of women. The fear that male co-workers have towards women, stemming from the principles of male dominance, leads to power struggles and control measures that persistently harm women. These workplace cultures not only impede women's career progression, but also negatively impact their mental and physical well-being. This study focus on a perspective on the inherent characteristics of sexual harassment and propose practical strategies for creating secure work environments, based on the analysis of case studies, legal regulations, and policies. Emphasis has been placed on the imperative to combat oppressive elements by advocating for cultural transformation, legal measures, and acknowledgment of women's rights.


Sexual harassment, Macho culture, Power dynamics, Male-dominated, Cultural obstacles, Misogynistic, Toxic culture, Bullying, Mental well-being, Career progression, Women's rights

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