Journal Press India®

GBS Impact: Journal of Multi Disciplinary Research
Vol 10 , Issue 2 , July - December 2024 | Pages: 54-66 | Research Paper

A Literature Review on Employee Engagement and Its Impact in the Context of Leadership

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Chetana M Mudagol, Research Scholar, Kousali Institute of Management Studies, Karnatak University Dharwad, Dharwad , Karnataka, India (

Employee engagement is a popular concept in the industry and has a significant impact on employee performance. The variables that had a major impact on employee engagement were the working environment and team and co-worker relationships. Employees are very responsible when they engage actively in the job and bring positive output as by motivating other colleagues too, the organizational goals are met easily by this. The right people with the right positions lead to define and drive employee engagement.

Employees are more engaged with their respective workforce and, contribute to one ‘s work performance when they are satisfied with their organizations' employee engagement initiatives." It`s clearly apparent links to job satisfaction and employee engagement, employee engagement can be important to a company's success.  Engagement can have a considerable impact on an organisation's effectiveness, generating bottom-line profit and allowing for further strategic flexibility and efficiency in successfully implementing activities. This conceptual study shows that there is a positive relationship between various leadership styles and employee engagement. There are common drivers, which include the quality of the task, work with clear purpose and meaning, development opportunities, prompt and effective recognition and rewards, polite and proactive engagement, frank and transparent two-way effective communication systems, and truly uplifting leadership.

This conceptual paper tries to review the key variables, and impact of employee engagement on performance, a significant working environment that encourages employees' ability to focus on their tasks while sustaining interactional harmony is regarded as an indicator of employee engagement.


Employee engagement, Employee performance, leadership, employee commitment, and job satisfaction

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