Journal Press India®

GBS Impact: Journal of Multi Disciplinary Research
Vol 10 , Issue 2 , July - December 2024 | Pages: 40-53 | Research Paper

An Empirical Study on Role of Work Engagement between Job Crafting and Employees’ Performance

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Prakash Kundaragi, Assistant Professor, Department of Management, SDVS Sangh's Annapoorna Institute of Management Research, Sankeshwar, Sankeshwar, Karnataka, India (

Purpose: The purpose of the study was to understand the factors of job crafting, work engagement & employees’ performance, study the level of work engagement and performance of employees and assessment the impact of job crafting on work engagement and work engagement on employee performance.

Design and Methodology: The descriptive research design has followed in this research. The study comprises of 90 permanent employees through simple random sampling method. The well-structured questionnaire having five-point Likert scale has employed to collect primary data.

Analysis Tools: Simple percentile was used to find the demographic data. Regression has been employed to analyse, interpret and to test the hypothesis of the genuine data having dependent and independent variables. The data was processed through statistical package.

Findings: The research has majorly found that Job crafting has positive & significant impact on work engagement and Work engagement has positively & significantly impacting on employees’ performance.

Research Limitations: The limitations of this study where it is related to job crafting; work engagement and employee performance only, 90 employees only concentrated for the study. The Results are depending upon the response by employees during the study.


Job crafting, Task crafting, Cognitive crafting, relational crafting, Work engagement, Employee performance


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