Journal Press India®

GBS Impact: Journal of Multi Disciplinary Research
Vol 10 , Issue 2 , July - December 2024 | Pages: 27-39 | Research Paper

Understanding the Levels of Employee Engagement: A Study of a Reputed Organised Retail Store in Hubli-Dharwad

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Prashant Gujanal, Assistant Professor, Management Studies, SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, India (
2. Preeti Nelogal, Student, Management Studies, SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, Karnataka, India (

The present study was carried out to understand the level of employee engagement at a reputed organised retail store. The Gallup’s 12 questionnaire was used for the study. The present study is descriptive in nature and includes the employees working in the store. Purposive sampling method was used to collect data for the study.  Primary data was collected using a structured questionnaire. The four levels that contribute to employee engagement namely Basic needs, Individual contribution, Teamwork and Growth were considered. Data was collected from 92 respondents. The statistical analysis of skewness and correlation using SPSS software was done to analyse the collected data. From the study we discovered that the employees of the company are happy with the teamwork and growth opportunities provided in the organisation, but there is still chance for improvements with respect to basic needs and individual contribution to improve the engagement level of the employees.


Employees, Employee engagement, Retail store

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