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Modern technology has become an essential component of daily life for humans. As a result, the outcomes fall under the category of business technology advancement, which drives company advancement across all industries. Maintaining the industry and market requires undergoing technical advancement. This essay focuses on the technological evolution of the textile industry since its inception. The Tirupur District of Tamil Nadu State in India, which provides less than 1% of the global textile industry, has yielded about 60 statistics. Primarily focuses on the connection between technical advancement and the aspirations people have for prospective industrial advancement. It is crucial to consider all factors while upgrading since the nation's consistent economic growth is necessary to go in the right direction of the economic growth route. Upgrading the technology in the earlier stage will give us the opportunity to capture the market share. Early adopters are always playing various roles in market share in the competitive world.
Evolution of Industry, Economic growth, Sustainability, Global Textile Industry, Technological growth