Published Online: July 31, 2024
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Gender Development Index (GDI) was introduced by UNDP in 1995 to measure, compare and contrast the HDIs between the two genders due to the failure to launch towards holistic development of several countries. India, one of the rapidly emerging economies is at 134th rank in HDI (UNDP, 2024) and 129th in GDI (Global gender gap report, 2024) globally, and is still behind its neighbouring countries like Bhutan (125) in terms of gender development. Gender and development go hand in hand. Any barrier causing gender inequality is a barrier to balanced development. The lower GDI of the country can be largely attributed to the inequalities and biases existing between the genders owing to gender exclusive socio-economic set up of the country and the absence of parity of women offering disadvantages in every field and sub field of development.
Gender, Development, Inequality, GDI, HDI, Literacy rates, work participation