Published Online: July 31, 2024
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The ability to use a computer, a smartphone, the internet, e banking, a website, operating through an e commerce site, as well as basic operating systems and software applications, can be considered digitally literate. In addition to higher education, digital and internet literacy is an essential and important tool that makes women truly employable and empowered. Women’s access and literacy to digital technologies and the Internet can enable them to become more productive and career-oriented. The importance of providing women with basic knowledge and the proper exposure to the Internet and digital technologies allows them to start their own businesses, fight for their rights, and become financially independent, thus benefitting society and the country in the long run. researcher taken the sample is 30 of the respondents are used this study based on the convenient sampling technique. Statistical tools for Regression and Reliability test is applied with the help of SPSS. The results,for it infers that the Likert’s five point scale used for women’s are Empower in Digital Literacy is considered Reliable. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected and it is concluded that there is a significant relationship between the Digital literacy and the Women empowerment. The result of regression analysis displays that, Digital literacy is the best predictor of Women empowerment with a beta weight of 0.710 (71.0%).
Women Empowerment, Digital Literacy, Digital technology, Women Knowledge