Journal Press India®

FOCUS: Journal of International Business
Vol 10 , Issue 2 , July - December 2023 | Pages: 96-119 | Research Paper

Multinational Enterprises and People Management: Examining the Role of Artificial Intelligence

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1. * Pankaj Kumar, Assistant Professor, Management Studies, DIT University, Dehradun, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India (

AI explains computer systems that solve issues like humans. This article examines potential effects of artificial intelligence on human resources and people management also examines how artificial intelligence (AI) may affect personnel management and multinational enterprises (MNEs) doing business. When multinational organizations (MNEs) operate across borders and face multiple cultures, managing people becomes more complicated. AI-driven solutions are changing how multinational businesses (MNEs) recruit, train, motivate, and retain their global workforce. This research examines the benefits and drawbacks of incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into HR practices for international organizations. This research aims to improve international human resource practices and assess their impact on multinational firms’ commercial success. This study suggests that AI’s potential for injustice and prejudice can be solved, despite many arguments about it. Human resource specialists require particular expertise and abilities to employ AI in people management


Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Human Resource Management; International Labour; Automation

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