Published Online: June 18, 2023
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Multilateral trade decisions have significantly changed the global interchange of goods and services. Food trade is becoming more international as countries rely on one another to ensure a sufficient and diverse agricultural supply through importing and exporting food items. Over the previous few decades, international trade in milk and dairy products has seen volatility, leading to changes in the public policy of Western countries. The worldwide dairy market is structured as an “oligopoly with fringes.” According to Euromonitor, the top ten worldwide firms control about a quarter of the global market. In VADP (value added dairy products) like yogurt, many EU companies are shifting their investment towards Asian countries, where the growth is significant. Data was collected for HS code 040310 (yogurt) from 2020-2021. Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) and CRn ratio is used to understand the competitiveness and concentration of different nations in the international trade of yogurt.
Yogurt; Concentration ratio; HHI index; International trade