Published Online: June 18, 2023
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There has been a recent increase in internationalization of firms from India both in manufacturing as well as service sector. These firms have also witnessed international success and improved financial performance. Considering this, the current study examines the trends of internationalization (using exports) at global level and for India. India has remained in the top 25 exporting economies since many years and the compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) for exports from India for the period of study 2010-2021 was 5.3%. The analysis of growth in exports and operating profit highlights the growing importance of internationalization in today’s era. The study further examines the policy initiative taken by the government of India to promote exports and finds a high degree of correlation between the overall exports from India and the expenditure on export promotion scheme.
Internationalization; Exports; Outwards foreign direct investment; Compounded annual growth rate; Export promotion schemes, India