Journal Press India®

An India-Europe Agenda for Food Security

Vol 10 , Issue 1 , January - June 2023 | Pages: 1-9 | Perspective  

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Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * John Clarke, Director of international relations and trade, European Commission DG Agriculture, European Commission, Brussels, Brussels Region , Belgium (

This article examines the relationship between the sustainability of agrifood systems and efforts to improve global food security. It identifies some of the main drivers of growing food insecurity worldwide, some of the solutions available to reduce it, and comments on the perceived conflict between short term measures to reduce food insecurity, and the longer-term objective to make global and national food systems more sustainable. The article concludes with some practical recommendations as to how India and the European Union, the world’s two largest democratic entities, and being major food producers, could cooperate both bilaterally and in the framework of the G20, the WTO and elsewhere, to develop more resilient agriculture and food systems, contributing to the realisation of both the relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), their own respective targets for carbon neutrality, and their increasingly pressing food security needs.


India; European Union; Food Security; Sustainability; Agriculture; Free Trade Agreements; World Trade Organisation; Food and Agriculture Organisation; Trade and Technology Council


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