Journal Press India®

Assessing the Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Firm Performance: Evidence from India

Vol 1, Issue 1, January - June 2014 | Pages: 39-67 | Research Paper  

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Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Rabi Narayan Kar, Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, Shaheed Bhagat Singh (E) College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India (
2. Amit Soni, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Shaheed Bhagat Singh (E) College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India (
3. Chandan Kumar Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, PGDAV College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India

The issue regarding why corporate enterprises engage in mergers and acquisitions (M&As) has become the centre of a large body of corporate finance literature in recent years. In the Indian context, the deregulated policy regime started in 1991 has significantly contributed to the increase in M&A activity. This paper is aimed at examining the long-term impact following M&As of listed Indian enterprises in the post-liberalisation period by using financial accounting data.  Throughout the period of study, turnover increased after the companies experienced an M&A which is in line with the findings that Indian companies grew in size and attained bigger market share. M&As did not have any impact on return on net worth for the period of study. Mixed results have been reported for other variables.


Mergers, Acquisitions, Performance


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