Department of Commerce, Faculty of Commerce & Business, University of Delhi
is pleased to host 6th International Conference of
Multinational Enterprises and Sustainable Development (MESD '23) Association
Sustainable Business Strategies, Models and Values: Role of MNE Strategy, National Policies and Global Partnerships
29th - 30th November 2023 , New Delhi , India (Offline Mode)
Conference URL:
About the Conference
We are delighted to extend our warmest welcome to the 6th Multinational Enterprises and Sustainable Development International Conference (MESD'23), organized by the MESD Association in collaboration with the Department of Commerce, Faculty of Commerce and Business, University of Delhi, the Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER), Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, US, ICN Business School, France, and CEREFIGE, France. MESD'23 will take place on November 29-30, 2023, in India, hosted by the Department of Commerce, Faculty of Commerce and Business, University of Delhi. MESD'23 will explore sustainable business strategies, models, and values, with a particular focus on the role of MNE (Multinational Enterprises) strategy, national policies, and global partnerships. The foremost aim of the conference is bringing together experts, scholars, and practitioners to share their research findings and experiences, and discuss ways to promote sustainable development in the context of multinational business operations. MESD'23 occurs in India as it presides over the 18th G-20 Heads of State and Government Summit on 9-10 September 2023, preceded by a series of civil society meeting bearing on the range of issues addressed by this well-establish conference. In today's world, it is essential to ensure that multinational enterprises, as key economic actors, are active participants in the pursuit of the broad range of sustainable development goals, much on the mind of G-20 participants. This well-established conference continues to encourage the exploration of various paths and approaches through which MNEs become sustainable leaders and how best corporate practices support national policies and global partnerships addressing sustainability. To this end, MESD'23 encourages multi-, inter-, or transdisciplinary studies and practices. In short, the conference entertains a diverse range of submissions, including conceptual and empirical studies utilizing various methodologies such as case studies, in-depth issue studies, as well as speculative analyses. Moreover, the conference aims to incorporate a broad spectrum of theoretical perspectives to foster a rigorous and focused exchange of ideas. MESD'23 is designed to fill a gap in the literature on the role of MNEs in sustainability and also, in parallel, to encourage the private sector to adopt a growing proactive role in sustainable development. It is also seeks to provide researchers, scientists, experts, policy practitioners, business decision-makers, members of government or non-governmental organizations, consultants, advanced graduate students, and other professionals with a platform to exchange ideas and promote best and sustainable business practices. The conference also provides opportunities for selected papers and presentations to be published in books and international journals, thereby enriching a growing body of policy and management literature.
About the Host Institution The Department of Commerce, University of Delhi, in its history spanning over more than five decades, has imbibed the rich tradition of Delhi School of Economics (DSE) of exploring new frontiers of knowledge and innovation in academics. In its history spanning over five decades, it has redefined commerce education in the country. The Department has the legitimate claim and pride of being the premier institution in India for course curriculum development, teaching and research in the discipline of Commerce. The rapid growth of the Department of Commerce is reflected in its expansion as well as novelty in its academic programmes. This has led to the commencement of master level professional programmers, in addition to the traditional M. Phil., Ph.D. and their flagship M.Com. Programmes. As a response to market imperatives, the Department of Commerce runs two post-graduate professional programmes, MBA (International Business) and MBA (Human Resource Development). Recently, the Department has introduced a third MBA programme, i.e. MBA (Business Analytics). As commerce is the backbone of a nation's goal of economic growth and development, the Department of Commerce, University of Delhi, through the 6th MESD Conference, 2023, takes the discussion forward on the role that will be played by business firms in shaping the sustainable business strategies and models. |