Journal Press India®

Vol 9 , Issue 2 , July - December 2008 | Pages: 47-60 | Research Paper

Issues at Job Faced by the Employees withDisabilities: A challenge for human resource management

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Shahida Sajjad, Assistant Professor, Department of Special Education, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan (

Purpose: This study was designed to investigate the issues faced by the persons with disabilities at their work place in Pakistan and the role of Human Resource in dealing with these issues. The findings would highlight the status of employees with disabilities in our society; helping them to improve their quality of life and also to enhance the awareness in the employers about the importance of job for disabled persons. Design/Methodology/Approach: For interviewing hundred employees with disabilities in Karachi, structured questionnaire was used to investigate the issues faced by them at their work place. Hypotheses were tested through chi-square tests. Findings: The results of the study indicate that employees with physical disability faced mobility problem and employees with hearing impairment faced communication problems at work place. Research Limitations: The major limitation of the study is that the limited number of sample have been studied. Managerial Implications: HRM needs to conduct research in the area of measurement and evaluation of personal policies, programs, and activities with special reference to employees with disabilities. Originality/Value: This study showcased the original work of the authors in the field of disable human resource.


Employee Disability, Job Satisfaction, Employee’s Attitude.

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