Journal Press India®

Vol 9 , Issue 1 , January - June 2008 | Pages: 85-102 | Research Paper

Evaluating and Improving Organisational Agility: Definition, Critique and New Conceptual Framework

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. Behnam Shahaie, MS Student in Public Administration, Researcher on Iran Management and Productivity Study Centre, Payam-e-Noor University,Tehran, Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2. * Ahmad Jafarnejad, Associate Professor, Department of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Tehran, Iran

Purpose: Prepare new methodology for agility with which organizations can respond to the business change drivers through new advanced technologies and procedures. Design/methodology/approach: In this paper is firstly presented main definitions and concepts of agility. Then, with literature review process on agility's models, main models of agility are determined to the further investigation. Following, some of critiques about agility are analysed and finally, the step-by-step methodology is presented as a comprehensive and holistic approach to agility evaluation and enhancement. Finding: In this paper, holistic definition of agility, as well as step by-step method for agility evaluation and enhancement discovered and explored. Research Limitations: The limitation of the study is that it is based on secondary sources. Managerial Implications: For practitioners, a guideline for recognizing missing capabilities and building up strategic policies in pursuit of agility as well competitive advantage. Originality/value: The environmental divers and need for achieving competitive advantage(s) through encountering challenges and opportunities, organizations need to be agile so that they can respond quickly (by attaining new and powerful capabilities) to changes in customers’ demands.


Change, Agility, Literature review, Approaches, Conceptual framework

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