Journal Press India®

Vol 9 , Issue 1 , January - June 2008 | Pages: 69-76 | Research Paper

Educating Design Intuition:A Survey of Problem Solving Methods Used in Architecture and Interior Design Studios

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Jon Daniel Davey, Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, Southern Illinois University, Illinois, NA, USA

Purpose: The present research attempts to study the impact of Liberal Economic policies on overall Corporate Structure of India and drawing comparisons with the world events. Design/Methodology/Approach: The methodological approach of this research study is descriptive and the data obtained various secondary data sources in thematic form. Findings: The analysis shows that the mandatory rotation of auditors, Limit on executive compensation, introduction of independent professional directors can help in checking manipulative accounting. Research Limitations: The main limitation of the study was that the data was based only on secondary sources. Managerial Implications: The implication for management is that the transparency in terms of publications of records/reports, remuneration, full disclosure in terms of dealings of the company helps curbing manipulation of accounts and promotes healthy competition in the market. Originality/Value: This study showcased the original work of the authors to understand how does manipulative corporate accounting originates and policies which can help it to curb.


Design Intuition, Intuition, Design in Architecture.

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