Journal Press India®

Vol 9 , Issue 1 , January - June 2008 | Pages: 55-67 | Research Paper

Long-Run Price Integration in the Nigerian Fresh Fish Market: Implications for Marketing and Development

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * T.E. Mafimisebi, NA, The Federal University of Technology, Akure, NA, Nigeria

Purpose: The present research attempts to study on Nigerian fresh fish market for presence and extent of long-run integration using descriptive, inferential statistics and special regression models. Design/Methodology/Approach: The methodological approach of this research study is that the data for this research were got from secondary sources. The bulk of the data was from the monthly fresh fish price series collected by the Federal Office of Statistics (FOS). The data collected represent the average for 15 most important fresh fish species which account for over 90% of total volume of fresh fish consumed in Nigeria. Findings: The analysis shows that this section presents the results and discussion of findings directly emanating from the research. It also contains additional discussions relating to the broader implications of market integration for marketing and development. Empirical results revealed that some markets had prices that were either too high or too low compared with the mean. Research Limitations: The main limitation of the study was that the data was based only on secondary sources. Managerial Implications: The implication for management is that the transparency in terms of publications of records/reports, remuneration, full disclosure in terms of dealings of the company helps curbing manipulation of accounts and promotes healthy competition in the market. Originality/Value: This study showcased the original work of the authors in the field of Long-run price integration.


Price determination, Fresh Fish Marketing, Nigerian Fresh Fish Market.

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