Journal Press India®

Vol 9 , Issue 1 , January - June 2008 | Pages: 31-40 | Research Paper

Leadership Styles and their Contribution to Performance and Satisfaction of Leaders and Followers in State owned and Private Enterprises in PAPUA NEW GUINEA

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. Ponnusamy Manohar, NA, School of Business Administration, University of Papua New Guniea, PO Box-320 Uniersity,, Waigani, NCD, Papua New Guinea
2. Albert C. Mellam, Professor, School of Business Administration, University of Papua New Guniea, PO Box-320 Uniersity,, Waigani, NCD, Papua New Guinea
3. * Pulapa Subba Rao, Professor, School of Business Administration, University of Papua New Guinea, PO Box 320 Uniersity, Waigani, NCD, Papua New Guinea

Purpose: The present research attempts to analyse the leadership styles of managers in a selection of state owned enterprises (SOEs) and private enterprises (PEs) in Papua New Guinea using solicited responses from selected managers of different categories at different levels. It also deals with the association among leadership styles of managers, performance and satisfaction of leaders as well as followers. Design/Methodology/Approach: This is basically an empirical study about the leadership styles of managers, performance and satisfaction levels of leaders and followers in selected SOEs and PEs based on the perception of managers working in PEs like, ANZ Bank, City Pharmacy, Air Lines PNG and Arnotts Biscuits (PNG) Limited, and SOEs like Eda Ranu, Telecom PNG, Air Niugini and Post PNG. SOEs and PEs were selected to facilitate comparison between public and private sector organisations. Findings: The research analysis shows that it is inferred that the leadership style of managers working in SOEs and PEs differ significantly as categorized into hierarchy, qualification and experience basis. This is also true regarding various leadership styles viz. autocratic, participative, developmental and transformational. Research Limitations: The main limitation of the study was that the data was based only on secondary sources. Managerial Implications: The implication for management is that the analysis indicates that the leadership style of managers in SOEs, at all levels of management and that of lower level managers in PEs have not been in tune with the desired performance and satisfaction levels. This trend in turn would hamper performance and satisfaction phenomenally at all levels of management in SOEs and at lower levels in PEs. Therefore, it is suggested that the SOEs should train, educate and enable managers at all levels to use participative, developmental and transformational leadership styles whenever situations warrant. Originality/Value: This study showcased the original work of the authors in state owned and private enterprises.


Leadership Styles, Performance, and Satisfaction.

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